Building Better Programs

Facilitating Postsecondary Education and Training for TANF Recipients

Overall, people who complete an associate’s degree or certificate program earn more than those with just a high school diploma or GED certificate, and those who complete even one year of college earn more than those without the additional education. Yet, the strong association between postsecondary education and higher earnings does not necessarily mean that facilitating access to higher education among low-income adults will lead to earnings gains, particularly considering that many lack recent or successful school experiences. This brief draws on rigorous studies to highlight what is known about efforts to encourage participation in and completion of postsecondary education among TANF recipients and other low-income populations. The brief explores the programs that have been tried, their success in increasing engagement and completion, and the extent to which increases improved economic well-being.

Urban Institute brief – Facilitating Postsecondary Education and Training for TANF Recipients