Building Better Programs

Want to Optimize Executive Functions and Academic Outcomes? Simple, Just Nourish the Human Spirit by Adele Diamond

In this piece, Adele Diamond, an expert in Executive Functions, particularly in children, addresses a variety of questions regarding Executive Function.  What are Executive Functions?  What is the evidence that EF’s are important?  What’s the evidence that EF’s can be improved?  What’s the evidence that improving EF’s improves academic outcomes?  What is the evidence that EF’s are better if one feels socially supported, happy, relaxed and physically fit?  What can schools do to improve EF’s and academic outcomes?

While this article focuses on Executive Function in children as it relates to academic outcomes, it has useful lessons regarding stress and it’s ability to compromise Executive Function.

Want to Optimize Executive Functions and Academic Outcomes? Simple, Just Nourish the Human Spirit by Adele Diamond

From Minnesota Symposia on Child Psychology – Developing Cognitive Control Processes: Mechanisms, Implications, and Interventions (Volume 37), Edited by Philip David Zelazo and Maria D. Sera